Frequently Asked Questions

How many students attend St. Louise, and what are class sizes?
Currently, we have 330 students. The average classes size is 17. The max class size is 26.
Do you have to be Catholic to apply to St. Louise School?
While the school is dedicated to providing education within the atmosphere of Roman Catholic faith and values, you don’t have to be Catholic to attend. We welcome students of various backgrounds while still maintaining a curriculum that includes religious education and values.
What are Catholic and non-Catholic percentages of St. Louise students?
78% of our students are Catholic and 22% are non-Catholic.
Are all teachers Catholic?
96% of our teachers are Catholic.
What is the typical school calendar and school hours?
We usually begin school after Labor Day and finish in the middle of June. A typical school day is 8:30 AM to 3 PM, Mondays we have early dismissal at 2:00 PM.
How many recesses do St. Louise kids have?
Pre-K through 2nd grade have three recesses on Tue-Fri. On Mondays they have two recesses. 3d through 5th grade have two recesses on Tue-Fri and one recess on Mondays. Middle school kids get 30-minute recess after lunch every day.
Does St. Louise have a lunch program?
Yes, we have a hot lunch program through My Hot Lunchbox to bring individually packaged lunches for students delivered directly to St. Louise from local restaurants. Students are also able to bring their own lunches. 
Does St. Louise have a bus service?
No, we don’t have a bus service. We encourage carpooling with other families in your area. Our families come from 35 different zip codes. We draw from localities as far south as Auburn, as far east as North Bend, and as far north as Lynnwood. 
Does St. Louise have sports teams?
K-8 students may participate in soccer and cross-country athletic programs, while grade 4-8 students are also able to play on our basketball, volleyball, and track & field teams. We compete in the CYO league (Catholic Youth Organization) against other Catholic schools in King County. This is a wonderful opportunity for all the kids to experience these sports without any tryouts or cutoffs.
Do you offer before and after school childcare?
Affordable daycare is provided by the St. Louise Kids’ Club on-site between 7:00 and 8:20 a.m. and between 3:00 and 5:45 p.m. (2:00 and 5:45 p.m. on Mondays). Space is limited. For more information on the program regarding application and fees, please go to our website
Do you offer any extracurricular activities?
Yes! They vary by season, some include speech team, battle of the books team, drama program, chess club, art club, Spanish club, and much more.
Is St. Louise School accredited?
St. Louise is state approved and accredited by the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA).
To which high schools do your 8th grade graduates matriculate?
Approximately half attend public high schools and half attend the region’s Catholic high schools. We encourage you to contact these high schools and ask about St. Louise graduates. The high schools will tell you how well prepared St. Louise graduates are and how the schools love receiving our students because they are known for being determined and skilled students, as well as kind and caring kids! Our 8th grade graduates who desire a Catholic or private high school are admitted at a near 100% admissions rate, and later matriculate to impressive universities.
Are the curriculum and test scores of high quality?
The curriculum at St. Louise consists of religion, language arts, reading, social studies, science, math, physical education, technology education, library skills, art, music, handwriting, Spanish, and a variety of electives for middle school, with a study skills program integrated throughout the curriculum. All curricular areas are updated and evaluated by the staff on a regular basis. High academic expectations from our teachers are one of the reasons why we have hard working students and well above average scores in our national assessment – the MAP Growth tests. These assessments in the areas of reading, language arts, and math are taken in grades 2-7. 
In what grades do St. Louise students participate in sacramental preparation?
Catholic students make their First Reconciliation in the fall and their First Communion in the spring of 2nd grade. Students in 7th grade begin the Confirmation journey.
Do kids participate in mass and service projects?
Daily prayer and religion classes are the backbone of the religion curriculum with monthly all-school Masses. Both school-wide and individual class service projects are conducted throughout the year as part of our Catholic values of serving others.
What is parent involvement in the school?
Our community thrives on parent involvement, which manifests in various ways. Parents generously volunteer their time and skills, whether it’s assisting in the library, supporting classrooms, helping in the office, or supervising the playground. This collaborative spirit creates a wonderful environment where everyone cares for each other, and our children reap countless benefits.
Do you have fundraisers?
Fundraising is an integral part of our revenue, allowing tuition to stay at an affordable rate. All families participate in four major fundraising events: the Auction, the Annual Fund, Charger Cards (scrip), and a Walk-a-Thon. 
Do you have Tuition Assistance?
Yes, financial assistance is available. Families receiving assistance pay for a part of the total cost of tuition; “full scholarships” are rarely awarded. For mor information on tuitions assistance click here.